Midway Flower
Main Banner
Points of Interest
Village Office
  1. Kettle Valley Railway - the building contains the museum. Built in 1900 by the C.P.R. with the Columbia and Western (C.P.) Victoria, Vancouver and Eastern and Great Northern railways trying to get lines going to Midway.

2. Kamigochi House - was the old Spokane Hotel, the hotel closed in the 1940's.

3. Demchuk House - built in 1896, old railway ties underneath it, was one by Heilschers an early resident.

4. DeLisle House - built in 1894, was the Lundy residence, one of the early pioneers, now a private residence.

5. Kettle River Museum - Police Museum.

6. Old School House - the oldest one in the area, now a private residence.

7. Kettle River Inn - was built in 1900, known as the Midway Hotel, the first Midway Hotel burned down. Midway had nine hotels in the early 1900's. Owners: Mark and Sharon Rivers

8. United Church - built in 1905 by Great Northern Railway crew, an engineer donated the bell. John R. Jackson donated the land, the Sunday School room was added in 1959.

9. McNeil House - was an old border crossing custom office, now a private residence.

10. Medical Clinic - was the museum building from 1975 till December 1990.

11. Entwined Trees - the trees were joined together by the Indians that camped in Midway, from America and the Okanagan as a symbol. "Yet they are separated buy as one": and they tied the trees together.

12. Boltz Ranch - bought in 1915 by John Boltz, now run by his son Dan and his wife Rose. It adjoins the border at Midway and bounded on the west by the Kettle River and East by Boundary Creek and South by the U.S. border.

13. Jackson Ranch - was started by John R. Jackson, when he died his sons Eric and Robert farmed it, until Eric married and moved. Robert expanded the ranch to 5000 acres. In 1965 it was sold to Prince and Tedor. It is now owned by the Bick family. Robert Jackson has since passed away, and his nephew Bill Gregory now has the last small piece of Jackson land.

14. R.C.M.P. - moved to Midway in 1960. The first Corp. was Frank Lekteman.

15. Kettle River Campsite and Picnic Area - completed 1992 and official opening ceremonies held July 31, 1993.

16. Hiking Trails - Build in 1988, very well used.

17. Midway Elementary School - built in 1948.

18. Boundary Central Secondary School - built in 1969.

19. Midway Dental Clinic - was a private residence. The dentist comes from Kelowna and works 3 days a week.

20. AG Foods - McMynn's grocery, liquor store, bottle depot, photo depot. Owners: McMynn Family.

21. Village of Midway Office - the building contains the fire hall and ambulance. Autoplan agents and Motor Vehicle Branch.

22. Boundary Expo Centre - Ice Skating Rink

23. Community Hall - built in 1967.

24. Curling Rink - bonspiels held here regularly over the winter.

25. Ball park and children playground.

26. King of Kings - private school built by local people, run by Martin Fromme.

27. Midway Air Field - grass and dirt, one mile long.

28. Canadian Bank of Commerce

29. Sherbinin Lumber - Owner: George and Maxine Sherbinin.

30. Weigh Scales - one of 35 scales in the province, opened in 1966, run by the Department of Commercial Transport.

31. Kingdom Hall - was opened in June 1974.

32. Midway Mobile Park - R.V. camping, mobile home pads. House was built in the early 1890's by J.R. Ferguson who was a director of the United Church, and who's daughter married Mr. Dewdney's grandson. Owners: Jack and Barb Van Ryn.

33. Senior's drop in centre.

34. Cemetery - started in 1903.

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